6 Herbs for Immunity

For many of us, fatigue seems to be a regular feature in daily life. Like many other sources of stress, tiredness is taxing on our bodies, particularly the immune system. High stress, regardless of the cause, creates greater nutritional demand because of the unnatural release of hormones stress causes. The body needs to be resourced in order to clean up after these adrenaline rushes and increased tissue oxidation in order to maintain wellbeing.

An idealistic approach would be to avoid stress altogether, but who can do that? My personal approach is to reduce stress wherever possible and to increase nutritional density in my diet. By increasing the quality and quantity of nutrients I give to myself, I can avoid losing energy due to the stresses that I don’t seem to be able to mitigate.  

The addition of superfoods and tonic herbs into my diet created a noticeable shift for me. I had more energy, felt clearer mentally, and my immune system became more robust.  Here are my favourite herbs and superfoods that I include regularly in my wellness regime.

You should always check with your healthcare practitioner before starting any new herbs or supplements.

1. Tulsi – Holy Basil

Tulsi, or Holy Basil, is considered by eastern herbalists to be the number one herb for balancing stress in our body. Tulsi is classified as an adaptogen, meaning it helps the body adapt to the physical, emotional and environmental stressors we are exposed to each day. This adaptation occurs by providing nutrients and antioxidants that help our bodies maintain homeostasis.

Have you ever heard somebody say; “I got run down, and then I got sick”? Tulsi is the perfect herb in this situation. Tulsi’s adaptogenic effect, combined with its antioxidant profile, and immune boosting activity, can provide a buffer from getting too exhausted & depleted.

Tulsi tastes great, so it lends itself well to being the base of the ORGANIC INDIA  Tulsi Teas range. I love to enjoy a cup every morning. You can also take tulsi in a capsule form for convenience and specific dosing.

2. Moringa Leaf

The Moringa Tree is native to India and Africa, and its leaves have been eaten for thousands of years as a staple in the local daily diet. Moringa leaves contain a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and all 18 amino acids, which provide the building blocks of protein. The moringa leaf is in fact, one of the most nutrient-dense foods by weight, that we know of.

To give you a few examples of how nutritious this plant is, gram for gram, the moringa leaf contains:

  • 7 times the amount of Vitamin C as Oranges
  • 4 times the amount of Calcium as Milk
  • 3 times the amount of Protein as Lentils

I love to put moringa leaf powder into my daily smoothies. It’s a really easy way to ensure you have the vitamins and minerals in store to deal with the demands of daily stress on my body. Moringa leaf powder can also be mixed with water and a squeeze of lemon juice for a hydrating pick-me-up!

Get yours in a powder or tea!

4. Wash your Hands:

Remember when your mother would always tell you to “wash your hands?” Turns out, mum was right! Many studies have shown washing hands with soap and water can reduce your chances of getting a cold, the flu, and other nasty illnesses. Simply use warm water and mild soap to work up a good lather all over your hands. Make sure you don’t forget to wash under your fingernails as this is where a lot of nasty germs can reside.

5. Embrace Plants & Herbs:

We believe our bodies are powerful and fundamentally self-healing. Sometimes, they just need help from plants. Herbalists have long understood the value of plants and herbs and their impact on the body. One of the easiest ways to consume more plants and herb is by drinking tea. Have you ever noticed how therapeutic it is, simply to relax and enjoy drinking a cup of soothing herbal tea?  The “ritual” of tea drinking is itself medicinal. Tea drinking, simple as it may be, is a sweet punctuation in our lives. It is a time to exhale, a time to reflect, a time for closures, beginnings and transitions, all to emerge.

Using these natural strategies can assist in the development of your immune system and help reduce habits that bring-down your immunity. But most of all, don’t forget to listen to your body, it’s a well-equipped and a powerful guide. And there’s no better time than now to listen to what your body is telling you.



ORGANIC INDIA produces Tulsi teas and herbal supplements that are not only good for your body, but good for the earth. Based in India, we’re dedicated to making organic, GMO-free, vegetarian products that are created using sustainable, ethical, and socially responsible methods. Our products include teas, supplements and foods, all grown in our farmlands in northern India.

20 years ago we set out to create a herbal medicine company that was close to our hearts. Our plan was to export India’s ancient Ayurvedic medicinal wisdom, in the form of herbal formulas and supplements, to the West. Yet after witnessing the critical and toxic state of India’s agriculture, we realised that our mission would be far better served working across the supply chain ourselves, starting with the health of the land and the farmers, all the way through to the consumer. We now work with over 2000 rural family farmers to cultivate over 10,000 acres of organic farmland in India.

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