21 Days of Tulsi Challenge

Take the Challenge

Drink a cup of ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi tea 3 times a day for 21 days and experience the benefits of the Queen of Herbs Tulsi. We challenge you to stick with this Tulsi tea program for 21 days to experience for yourself the amazing health benefits of regular intake of Tulsi.

Complete the challenge on your own, with friends or connect with ORGANIC INDIA (Australia). The 21 Days of Tulsi Challenge is simple: 3 teas per day for 21 straight days. You can drink any of the different flavours throughout the challenge, although we recommend a non-caffeinated Tulsi tea in the evening. We encourage you to journal about your experience to help you track how you feel throughout this process.

Just as it takes time to see and feel the results of eating well or exercising, the full effects of Tulsi are best experienced after a few weeks time. That isn’t to say you will not experience Tulsi after one cup – some results are instantaneous but others take regular use. It has been put forward that it takes 21 days to make a new habit and we believe that after 21 days of Tulsi -3 full weeks – you will truly experience how Tulsi can have a positive impact on your mind, body, and spirit.

Register for our 21 Days of Tulsi Challenge

Our next 21 Days of Tulsi starts 14, January 2019


Join us this 2019 and receive:

  • 21 Days of Tulsi Challenge Welcome Kit
  • 25% off select Tulsi teas at www.organicindia.nz (coupon code will be sent to you once you register).
  • If you finish the challenge (taking both the entry and exit surveys), you will receive an ORGANIC INDIA mug and the 6-pack collection box.

What is Tulsi?

Tulsi, also called Holy Basil, is one of the most sacred plants in India and is considered “The Queen of the Herbs” for its restorative and spiritual properties. Tulsi (also spelled Tulasi or Thulasi) has been used for thousands of years to support a healthy response to stress, natural detoxification, increase stamina, endurance, energy and restore balance and harmony. Our Tulsi teas are not only delicious and organic, but they are also nature’s perfect rejuvenate.

Modern research has classified Tulsi as an adaptogenic herb. Adaptogens have been shown to support the body’s healthy reactions to stress. Adaptogenic herbs have been used in the Ayurvedic tradition for thousands of years to promote and maintain wellness. In fact, many adaptogenic herbs have been referred to by herbalists as rejuvenative herbs, qi tonic herbs, rasayanas or restorative herbs. They help the body adapt to environmental, physical and emotional stressors, support normal functions and restore balance.

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