8 Herbs to Help with New Years Resolutions

In many cultures, including Yoga and Ayurveda, there is a saying, “Aim at nothing and you will hit it.” In fact, nothing is done in the Yoga world without first setting the sankalpa, the intention of what will be accomplished. This is done to acknowledge, honour and harness our innate creativity – the weaving of the conscious will and our life force.

We are creative beings, and are constantly creating, whether it’s creating the course of our day, a work of epic art, our highest form of couch potato, or the shape of our lives in the coming year! According to Ayurveda, it is our daily routines, dinacharyas, that hold the space for what shapes our lives.


Here are some of the top New Year’s resolutions and the herbs that will assist:

Stick to Your Resolutions

Wouldn’t it be a joy to look back next year at a list of accomplished resolutions? The ability to focus is critical to success, and herbs which enhance focus and mental acuity include Tulsi (Holy Basil), Brahmi, and Ashwagandha.

Healthy weight

Tulsi (Holy Basil), Turmeric and Cyperus in the Complete Flexibility Formula are three potent thermogenic herbs that increase metabolism. Triphala is one of the herb world’s greatest sources of toning astringents. When it comes to a deep re-organising of physiology Kutki in Liver Kidney Care is one of the champs. Many people who yearn for a deep cleanse actually need a deep re-organising and optimisation of organ function.

Start exercising

Exercise is about getting your body moving, and Turmeric is a bit like exercise in a capsule, as it helps you to enjoy maximum benefit from physical activity. Turmeric also supports healthy inflammation response and allows a person to go deeper into their exercise with less risk of injury.

Quit smoking

There are many anti-stress adaptogens that will help with changing behavioural patterns. For instance, Tulsi (Holy Basil) has anti-stress properties, so if keeping with a new regime, like quitting to smoke, is stressing you out then Tulsi (Holy Basil) will help you adapt to it.

Yummier Sex Life

Ashwagandha and Shatavri are champs here.

Serve Others

This is a fantastic New Year’s resolution – to be accountable to your community and your planet and to give back, making your world a better place for all. Imagine if all the herbs that you bought to bolster your endurance, clear your mind, help you sleep deeply and live more fully all came from farmers who grew these herbs in organic and biodynamic ways that empowered the earth and the entire ecosystem in ways that promoted global sustainability.

You can do it! If you buy all your food and herbs from responsible sources then you are participating in market-driven sustainability. And in fact, because global sustainability is not sustainable unless it is market-driven sustainability, you are as the key of a player in this scenario of true planetary wellness as the farmer is.

We are much more powerful than we know. So choose your New Year’s resolutions carefully. Create the shape of the life you want to live.


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