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    Herbal Goodness

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  • Benefits of Ginger Is the Weather Getting you Down? Spice up your Life with Ginger

    In need of a little spice in your life? Zest things up with some ginger! It’s easy to incorporate this powerful spice into your daily routine with an array of benefits. WHAT EXACTLY IS GINGER?  Ginger is a spice from the underground rhizome (root) of the ginger plant, known as Zingiber officinale. This name comes [...] Continue Reading
  • Move Over Flaxseed, There’s a New Fibre in Town

    First it was cereal, then wheat bran and flaxseed. It’s labelled across our muesli bars and other processed foods. You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again. Fibre is a necessary part of your diet and like most Australians, you’re probably not getting enough. Psyllium, which has existed for thousands of years, has often been passed over for other more exciting and contemporary fibre sources such as flaxseed and chia seeds. But psyllium shouldn’t be passed over so quickly. It may have been around for what seems like forever but psyllium contains about 3 grams of fibre in just one tablespoon – just like one tablespoon of whole flaxseeds. Unlike flaxseeds, psyllium doesn’t contain any fat. It also has fewer calories, with one tablespoon of psyllium containing about 20 calories. Psyllium certainly deserves a closer look.

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  • Stressed? The Unique Class of Herbs You Need to Take Now

    As more of us turn to herbal preparations over pharmaceutical medications to help relieve and prevent symptoms and maintain wellness, this area of science is now be studied with greater urgency than ever before. Perhaps you’ve heard the term adaptogen before but you’re unsure of what it means. You’re not alone. Adaptogens, while fairly common in Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine, are still a fairly new concept in the west. But as more research is being done, adaptogens are quickly becoming one of the most important groups of herbs to take in the 21st century. Here’s why:

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  • 13 Herbal Tea Ingredients that will Improve your Mind, Body and Spirit {INFOGRAPH}

    I chose my tea variety not only by flavour, as we all have our favourites, by how the herbs can benefit by mind and body. Herbal tea ingredients including herbs, spices and fruits can be extremely beneficial for your overall wellbeing. Many are established and well documented to nourish different parts of the body and aid ailments.

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  • The Top 10 Interesting Health Benefits of the Tulsi Herb

    Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, is a herb revered by Ayurveda (the ancient Indian health practice) for thousands of years to promote health throughout the entire body. Tulsi is undoubtably one of the leading medicinal herbs and includes long list of incredible health benefits. With the scientific name Ocimum Sanctum, Tulsi is used for [...] Continue Reading