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    The Best You

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  • Ginger Benefits 7 Reasons Why Ginger is the Best

    ‘Every good quality is found in ginger’ Indian Proverb Why does Ginger deserve its place in your home and medicine cupboard? Not only does it provide a warming and comforting zing to liven up your teas and foods but it also hosts a range of health benefits. Is every good quality found in ginger? Let’s [...] Continue Reading
  • Sleep your way to a healthy immune system

    Sleep has been found to play a pivotal role in our health and, in particular, to the function and capacity of our immune system

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  • Ten Foods to Fight Colds and the Flu

    There are certain things we like to catch – attention, a break & a kiss blown to us from our child. But a cold and flu? No thanks. Here are 10 foods to fight colds and the flu.

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  • Antioxidants: The What, The Why and The Where

    No doubt you’ve heard of antioxidants. They are written about in the press, talked about on TV and feature on the labels of the things you buy in the supermarket. You know they’re good for you and that you’re better off for taking them but what you probably don’t know is what they actually are. [...] Continue Reading
  • What You Need to Know about Seasonal Transitions

    “If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant. If we did not taste adversity, than prosperity would not be so welcome.”

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  • For Facts Sake: 7 Stress-less Facts about Tulsi

    Wouldn’t it feel great to be able to banish stress from your life? Take a leaf (or leaves) from India’s book and try Tulsi. Yes, the wonder-herb Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil and commonly served as a tea, has been proven to contain stress relieving adaptogens that can give the ‘S-word’ a good old dunking. Here are 7 facts about Tulsi that you didn’t know you needed to know…

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  • When Your Body Speaks, Do You Listen?

    There’s no better time than now to listen to what your body is telling you. From irritability to a racing heart, if your body is under stress you can bet it’s trying to tell you, but are you listening?

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  • Move Over Flaxseed, There’s a New Fibre in Town

    First it was cereal, then wheat bran and flaxseed. It’s labelled across our muesli bars and other processed foods. You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again. Fibre is a necessary part of your diet and like most Australians, you’re probably not getting enough. Psyllium, which has existed for thousands of years, has often been passed over for other more exciting and contemporary fibre sources such as flaxseed and chia seeds. But psyllium shouldn’t be passed over so quickly. It may have been around for what seems like forever but psyllium contains about 3 grams of fibre in just one tablespoon – just like one tablespoon of whole flaxseeds. Unlike flaxseeds, psyllium doesn’t contain any fat. It also has fewer calories, with one tablespoon of psyllium containing about 20 calories. Psyllium certainly deserves a closer look.

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  • How to Connect to your Senses in a Tea Ceremony

    By engaging in mindfulness, we allow ourselves to wake-up to the present moment, and develop a calmer, more contemplative self. Sitting meditation is one way to achieve this, but there are many other practices that allow you to slow-down and experience the fullness of your present experience. One such practice is a Japanese tea ceremony. The Japanese tea ceremony, chanoyu, is a form of Zen meditation that is meant to bring us into the unique, fleeting, present moment. The chanoyu is quite simple in explanation; quite challenging in practice. At its essence, it’s about open-hearted, present awareness while engaging in a ritual that many of us have done time and time again with little to no thought – making and drinking tea.

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  • Self Care & Compassion: The Foundations of True Wellness

    These simple (but not always easy to implement) strategies are ways that I have found a tremendous help in changing my inner dialogue as well as outer care practices to support and nurture myself. In turn I can give to those around me from a place of fullness. I have truly found that my own self-talk and care has impacted every facet of my life, confidence, energy and wellness. It is my hope that if you can implement even one of these suggestions tomorrow you will begin on the path to true self-love and belief.

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  • How to Create Positive Habits that Last

    Our habits create our reality and if you’re like me you have developed a few negative habits somewhere along the line that you’d like to change into healthier behaviours. The great news is that by keeping things simple, being specific and taking baby steps, changing habits can be done at any time of year. A positive change in habits leads to a positive change in day to day living.

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  • The Truth About Women and Wellness

    Women are warriors. We are skilled at balancing a variety of things including work, hobbies, and raising a family. The trouble is that we often get so caught up in managing our day-to-day tasks that we forget to take care of ourselves. Our wellness and mental state take a backseat as we focus on taking [...] Continue Reading