How to Go Green in a Modern World

Simple steps to change your footprint.

Tired of reading the same tips offering advice on how to go green? Overwhelmed where to start your green overhaul? These 5 tips are accessible and you can start where you are. Even better, they’ll not only green the earth, but they’ll improve your health and well-being too!

Swap single-use cups for a reusable mug – Not only are there plenty of beautiful designs and options to choose from, you’ll save space in our landfills too. Bring your mug to your favorite café every day and that can save more than 365 cups annually! Some cafes even offer a cash incentive for toting your own. Go green while saving some green—it just makes cents.

tea bags on tray for compost

Compost your tea bags – Don’t throw away that tea bag just yet! Your garden can benefit from the remains of your favorite cuppa. Religious tea-drinkers take note: tea bags made of paper, silk or muslin are suitable composting tea bags, though you may have to remove the staple that holds the bag shut. Speed up your return on investment by ripping open the bags or using loose leaf tea.

Ditch the chemicals – Swap traditional cleaning agents for gentle but mighty green cleaners. Most of these green solutions are found right in your pantry. Castile soap, vinegar and baking soda have been known to clean just about anything. For an uplifting and restorative multi-purpose cleaning spray, check out these simple, green and inexpensive recipes—DIY: All Purpose Cleaners to Save Money, Your Health and the Planet!

Go Organic for the Planet – Say no to conventionally grown produce, specifically the EWG’s Dirty Dozen. As a rule of thumb, these tend to be fruits and veggies with thin skins that soak up more toxins than most. The current offenders:

  1. Apples
  2. Peaches
  3. Nectarines
  4. Strawberries
  5. Grapes
  6. Celery
  7. Spinach
  8. Sweet bell peppers
  9. Cucumbers
  10. Cherry tomatoes
  11. Snap peas (imported)
  12. Potatoes

Not only does favoring organic reduce your exposure to pesticides, organic farming practices are better for the planet. Read more about Why Buying Organic Supports the Planet.

group of hands with seedling

Start a garden or plant some seeds of your own – In your own backyard lies the opportunity to give back to the earth and yourself. When we garden, we’re getting more than a nice view. That sensory experience is a regenerative process in itself. Gardening not only provides us with an abundance of tasty and nourishing foods, but it is also a wonderful relaxing activity for anyone and everyone. No space to get your hands dirty? Join your local community garden and connect with like-minded folks in your neighborhood. Avid Tulsi drinker? Try planting one of the most revered herbs in India, Tulsi, right in your own home. Our headquarters’ plants didn’t last long; the leaves are delicious!


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