5 Ways to Ensure Restorative Sleep

A good night’s sleep is essential for so many reasons. Without it, we often notice dragging on the surface – a foggy mind, lack of energy and fatigue. Missing out on deep, restorative sleep can also impact digestion, hormones, stress response, and more. Read on for our five ways to ensure you get the best sleep you need.

1. Sleep Timing

It’s no secret that sleeping for 7-8 hours a night encourages our best self to activate. But did you know that the time you choose to get those hours actually matters? It’s hypothesised that falling asleep far before midnight actually helps the body to recover from damage and restore strength. This is due to the domination of non-REM sleep in the early part of the night, and because body systems like the liver regenerate around this time.

So, the earlier, the better! Sleep 9-5. OK, 10-6 if you must. That being said, not everyone’s lifestyle or sleep habits match an early bedtime. If you can’t force the early shuteye, this Time article recommends becoming aware of when you are consistently the most tired and making that your official bedtime. Consistency is key!

2. Sleep Herbs

Ayurvedic herbs have been used for thousands of years for a variety of health purposes, and sleep is a big one. Adaptogens are a classification of herbs that help the body adapt to stress, ultimately bringing the body to balance. Less stress + more balance = better sleep.

We recommend taking adaptogens like Ashwagandha and Tulsi (aka Holy Basil) regularly for everyday stress support, and then adding in a sleep formula at night. We love our Tulsi Sleep tea as well as our Peaceful Sleep formula, which includes three powerhouse adaptogens for mental clarity, relaxation, and stress-relief: Ashwagandha, Tulsi-Holy Basil, and Gotu Kola.

3. Sleep Space

Take a look at your current sleep environment. Is it cluttered? Clutter can negatively affect our rest and relaxation vibes. According to Yoga and Ayurveda, and Feng Shui for that matter, sleeping in a clutter-free space that is used only for sleep will help ensure a deep restorative sleep. What’s your dream sleep space? Make a sleep temple for yourself!

Small changes make a big difference here. We recommend a 10 minute pick up to de-clutter, change the lighting, and bring out the essential oils!

4. Sleep Position

Another tip that we learn from Yoga, Ayurveda and Feng Shui is that if we sleep with our head to the South direction, we increase the depth and restorative facets of our sleep. The hypothesis here is that facing South aligns with the natural flow of Earth’s circadian rhythm, resulting in more time in deeper, restorative sleep.

In contrast, sleeping with our head to the North direction is better for a more shallow sleep, in the event that this aligns with a practice where deep sleep is not desired (i.e. Yoga Nidra, lucid dreaming, etc.)

5. Sleep Cessation

Are you really awake when you wake up? Taken again from Yoga and Ayurveda is the lesson to create a morning ritual to integrate into the day. A short morning meditation followed by cold water immersion can help can help invigorate the body and mind for a vibrant, energetic day. If you can’t take a cold shower, try simply turning the water as cold as you can handle at the end of your normal temp. shower. You’ll be surprised how much this helps wake you up!

A morning ritual helps the body and mind transition from a tired, sleepy state to a refreshed, awakened state. Add some tea to the mix! Our favourite morning infusions for natural and sustainable energy Tulsi Turmeric Ginger and Tulsi Moringa.

Above all, listen to your body and what it needs. In the words of Zen Buddhist teachings, “When I eat, I eat, when I sleep, I sleep.”


ORGANIC INDIA produces Tulsi teas and herbal supplements that are not only good for your body, but good for the earth. Based in India, we’re dedicated to making organic, GMO-free, vegetarian products that are created using sustainable, ethical, and socially responsible methods. Our products include teas, supplements and foods, all grown in our farmlands in northern India.

20 years ago we set out to create a herbal medicine company that was close to our hearts. Our plan was to export India’s ancient Ayurvedic medicinal wisdom, in the form of herbal formulas and supplements, to the West. Yet after witnessing the critical and toxic state of India’s agriculture, we realised that our mission would be far better served working across the supply chain ourselves, starting with the health of the land and the farmers, all the way through to the consumer. We now work with over 2000 rural family farmers to cultivate over 10,000 acres of organic farmland in India.


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