• Why Organic?

    As part of our mission to create a sustainable global environment, ORGANIC INDIA engages in farming practices that regenerate the soil and protect the biodiversity of the earth. What is organic farming? Organic farming is the practice of growing crops without the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers. It relies mainly on crop rotation, organic […]

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  • Buying Organic Why Buying Organic Supports the Planet

    Not everyone is sold on the idea of eating and buying organic products and foods. However, scientists have recently discovered that organic products are better for eaters. Not only can organic be better to eat but it can be better for the earth. Organic farming methods typically build healthier soils, produce less pollution and protect [...] Continue Reading
  • How to Go Green in a Modern World

    Simple steps to change your footprint. Tired of reading the same tips offering advice on how to go green? Overwhelmed where to start your green overhaul? These 5 tips are accessible and you can start where you are.

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