Head-to-Toe Health with Turmeric

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is gaining the reputation to be the single most important spice for many health and dietary needs. Considered to be the best all-around spice of the Ayurvedic and Yogic traditions, Turmeric is also one of the most studied botanicals in modern science. Now with over 10,000 scientific articles available about Turmeric, modern science is reinforcing over 6,000 years of evidence accrued in India, where Turmeric has been used as a herbal medicine (healthy inflammation response) as well as a beauty aid, cooking spice and as a dye.

The Magic of Turmeric

Turmeric has become a mainstream favourite because of all the incredible benefits of this spice. It’s truly one of the most amazing superfoods out there. Many alternate names for turmeric refer to beautiful and powerful women because of its ability to brighten your shine inside and out.

A 2009 study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine compared the active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, with ibuprofen for pain relief in 107 people with knee osteoarthritis. The curcumin was found to ease pain and improve function about as well as the ibuprofen. Curcumin can be hard for the body to absorb. This is why you will often find Turmeric partnered with ginger, another superfood, that heats up the digestive system and helps your body absorb more of the powerful nutrients in the turmeric.

Why You Need It

Today, more than ever, we are feeling the pressure of the 21st century lifestyle. From work to dating to family to children, it can feel like there is no end to the stressors in our lives. It’s easy to escape through junk food, or TV, or social media, but at the end of the day these quick fixes tend to do more harm than good, and we never get out of our rut. Stressors like chemicals in household products or pollution are even harder to avoid, but they can still cause harm to our bodies.

Herbal supplements such as Turmeric are fantastic because they’re a simple and healthy way to bring something good into your life! Turmeric can’t solve all your problems, but it’s amazing how simple steps, such as taking a daily supplement, can add up to create big life changes.

Turmeric has traditionally been used to support:*

  • Joint and muscle health
  • Healthy inflammation response
  • Digestive function
  • Heart health
  • Healthy immune response

Once existing to the sidelines of the medical world, alternative remedies and therapies are now increasingly finding a place in many Australian homes. Ayurveda, known as “The Science of Life”, is the oldest system of medicine in the world, originating in India. This wellbeing system is all about creating harmony within the body, and after years of disappointment in the Western approach to medicine, balance through nature becomes an alternative approach for many of us to explore further with our health professionals.

Turmeric has held an important place in Ayurvedic medicine because of its ability to assist in whole body head-to-toe health, from cleansing the liver to creating a radiant complexion.

How to Get More of It

So how can you get more turmeric in your life? Taking a Turmeric supplement is one of the easiest ways to get your daily supply of turmeric. You can also get more of this spice by adding it to your foods and beverages. You can also get a daily boost by adding organic turmeric powder to a glass of water or tea in the morning. If you’re looking for ways to cleanse and improve your entire body, turmeric is your new best friend!

Chances are that you have heard about the numerous benefits of both turmeric and ginger. You can’t go online without seeing an article about these powerful herbs come across your screen! ORGANIC INDIA recognised the benefits of these two ingredients and combined them into one delicious and nourishing tea. Our USDA Certified Organic Tulsi Turmeric Ginger Tea is just the thing for when you are feeling under-the-weather. Not only does the Tulsi act as an adaptogen, it has nutrients to aid in boosting immunity while promoting tranquillity in your body. Best of all? It is caffeine, gluten, and GMO-free. With 25 tea bags per box, you will have plenty of tea to help your immunity stay strong during cold and flu season.



ORGANIC INDIA produces Tulsi teas and herbal supplements that are not only good for your body, but good for the earth. Based in India, we’re dedicated to making organic, GMO-free, vegetarian products that are created using sustainable, ethical, and socially responsible methods. Our products include teas, supplements and foods, all grown in our farmlands in northern India.

20 years ago we set out to create a herbal medicine company that was close to our hearts. Our plan was to export India’s ancient Ayurvedic medicinal wisdom, in the form of herbal formulas and supplements, to the West. Yet after witnessing the critical and toxic state of India’s agriculture, we realised that our mission would be far better served working across the supply chain ourselves, starting with the health of the land and the farmers, all the way through to the consumer. We now work with over 2000 rural family farmers to cultivate over 10,000 acres of organic farmland in India.




*These statements have not been evaluated by the Ministry of Health. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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